Tip 1: Turn on the Social Media Timer - We only have 24 hours in a day. So enjoy the unplug option, but give yourself the chance to make a choice. Use your phone social media gauger too. This has changed my life!
Tip 2: Go for it! - When I first stated to declutter my life of things, collectables, books, clothing, apps, photos, alcohol, drugs, you name it, I was a serious procrastinator. I soon started practicing mindful detox moments. Where I would just focus on one thing, 1 drawer, 1 season of clothing, 1 box of shoes, 1 bad habit. I would focus on this for 1 whole month. I'd write in my gratitude journal and find re-purpose. It all takes a while, but that's the point. And one you find your re-purpose, you find your inspiration.
Tip 3: Track it!- While my entire journey began when I realized how overly nervous and stressed I was. I lost my eye sight temporarily. I knew I needed to change. So, I printed a free calendar and stared to track the deep breathing exercises I would do. I focused 1 activity for a month and tracked it. What was once not included in my wellness journey, soon became a daily practice.
Tip 4: Volunteer! As I soon realized that my journey had become quite lonely, I decided that the only way I was going to stick to this healthy lifestyle change, was to volunteer my time. I became a wellness coach and volunteered 10-20 hours a week of my time, teaching other people how to start their wellness journey at the YMCA. I'm not saying do this exact same thing, but finding purpose for the changes you do, and giving back to your community, brought me purpose. It sure will to you too!
Tip 5: Find ways to celebrate your journey! When I started to detox my life. I would make the mistake of celebrating with the same bad habit I was running away from! After failing forward, my detox journey started to take shape. Don't wait like I did, reach out if you'd like to talk more about healthier ways to do just this! Detox Healthy!